Submit your business listing

North Broward Business directory

Welcome to the Business Directory.

You can submit your business listing to our directory for Free and receive a link to your site, email address, telephone number and address. Our Free listing also includes a short excerpt and a QRcode that easily adds your contact info as a Vcard to address books on smart phones. All our listings are manually approved and submitted. We aim to have members only.

Featured Business Listings

For just $20 per year you can upgrade your listing to also include your logo, product photos, short and long descriptions and Social Media links to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and GooglePlus. Your Company will also be included in the Premium Listing random generator in the right sidebar.

Let Rafael know at the next meeting if you wish to upgrade to Featured Listing or if you want a FREE listing.

PLEASE NOTE: This directory is only for members of the Eastside Professional Networkers. If you wish to join our group, come to the next meeting. We will approve people who have come to at least three meetings.